Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Boy, that's sure a good song...

Last night, we were finishing up our bedtime snuggle routine with the boys.  Jason has sung hymns with the children since they were tiny babies, so last night I asked if we could sing Blessed Assurance as a family. There is nothing sweeter to my heart than to hear 4 voices in 4 different keys singing along together.  Listening to a choir singing in such a way would drive me to distraction.  However, as our little family sings together, it's as if the very sounds themselves bond us together in a way that seems almost tangible.  For those moments, we are one before God as a family, and His very presence can be felt.

As the song came to a close, there was silence.  Then Caleb's little voice began to sing Jesus loves me, so we all joined in.  Again, silence, followed by Caleb shakily starting to sing Jesus Loves the Little Children.  He and I sang that one alone.  We finished the song, and he snuggled in closer to me.  Following another minute of quiet, Caleb said, "Boy, that's sure a good song."  "What makes you say that, Caleb?" I asked.  He replied, "I just like how Jesus loves all of the children of the world."

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Matthew 19:14

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