Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I would be remiss not to capture this Mother's Day in writing, for it is the epitome of my days as a Mama in this stage of life.

Starting Friday, Caleb was insistently asking what my second favorite ride at Disneyland was.  I think I finally, under his suggestion, decided on Thunder Mountain Railroad.  And my sweet Jason continually reminded the children "This is Mama's special weekend" with each choice that was to be made.

Caleb with a gleam in his eye, proudly handed me the Mother's Day gift he had made in school, along with his picture on a Sunflower that doubled as my card.  Inside was a drawing of Caleb and I in the car, heading to Starbucks, because he said his favorite thing to do was to go on special dates with me. Emet immediately realized that he too wanted to give something to me, so he and Caleb started planning what they could do for me.

Saturday was spent preparing and planting the garden, and Jason slaved away cutting out sod with a shovel to create a new garden plot, since Anna Ruth and I purchased way too many seeds and starts for our normal spot during our Mama - Daughter outing.   The kids played outside and helped me to plant the seeds, and the day ended with Jason and I snuggling up to watch Band of Brothers.

Sunday arrived and I was greeted by the reality that not everyone remembers special times every moment of the day.  There were a few whines as the children dressed for Sunday School and service.  Somewhere in there, Emet excitedly presented me with Caleb's gift.....a plastic flower pot that said, "Your Love Makes Me Bloom".  The kids are so excited for me to plant something in it.

Picking the children up from Sunday School, I was presented with a handful of papers (as usual), except this batch was of Mother's Day cards the children had made.  Emet's was a basket that he had decorated with flowers and stickers, and Caleb had drawn a picture of he and I holding hands in front of the Disneyland Castle and on the Thunder Mountain Railroad together.  Anna Ruth colored some purple on a picture of a mom and little girl and made a Popsicle stick flower.  That said, when I asked her if they were for me, she put on her "Angry Bird" face and said, "No, Me!"  So, apparently she made herself a Mothers Day card and flower.  She continues to be quite insistent about it.

After a free brunch buffet at Costco, and a swing through Starbucks for an extra special treat of Strawberry Frappuccinos for the kids (for making me a Mama) and an Iced Mocha for me (Jason had his at Costco), we headed home for another day in the garden.

As is typical in the life of a Mama of little ones....the afternoon didn't go quite as planned.  Instead of being outside with my family in the amazing sunshine, I mostly stayed inside and tried to pick up, process just "one more load of laundry"  (because maybe then I could finally catch up...will I ever learn?), then cleaned up from Anna Ruth time and again after what may have been a reaction to shellfish.  Papa held Ru Bear in the cool breeze outside, while the boys played on the Slip n Slide and Gracie in her play station.

The day was dabbled with two beautiful bouquets of buttercups, wrapped with blue painters tape, and two wadded $5 bills, one each from Caleb and Emet's own money, that are to be put towards a pedicure for me (and supplemented by Papa).  They had such pride in their gifts to me.  And though they will likely only understand this when they are parents.....the act of the gifts was the best gift of all.

Someday, I too will join in the millions of Mama's (including my own) that receive a call on Mother's Day.  Some years there's a card and gift (delivered weeks late if at all)....some year's there's not.  It's not that the thought isn't there, it's that I'm experiencing the above stage of life....which as joyous as it is, consumes my ability to get many extras done.  And, hopefully then, I'll be able to look back on this sweet and all consuming part of life, where I, Mama, am the only woman in their world....and I am dearly loved....relaxing in the sunshine, iced coffee and book in hand.  :-)

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